EUDataP – link collection

The purpose of this site is to gather and list the relevant official documents which have been published in the context of the reform process of European data protection law, particularly the proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation (#EUDataP on Twitter). This site will only contain links to documents published by and publicly accessible through the websites of European institutions (no „leaked“ documents).

The institutions are: 1) European Commission, 2) European Parliament, 3) Council of the European Union, 4) European Economic and Social Committee, 5) Article 29 Working Party, 6) European Data Protection Supervisor, 7) Fundamental Rights Agency and 8) Committee of the Regions. The links are sorted from top to bottom on the basis of the release date.

To check the status of the decision-making progress on the General Data Protection Regulation, click here (PreLex).

NOTE: most linked documents are PDF-files.

1) European Commission

2) European Parliament

3) Council of the European Union

4) European Economic and Social Committee

5) Article 29 Working Party

6) European Data Protection Supervisor

7) Fundamental Rights Agency

8) Committee of the Regions


For information on documents I missed in this list, you may contact me:

7 thoughts on “EUDataP – link collection

    • Hallo. Danke für den Kommentar. Ja, die Webseite des Parlaments ist gut. Dort habe ich auch sehr viele Informationen her. Nur fehlten mir dort die Dokumente der anderen Institutionen, etwa des Rates. Daher versuche ich hier einen Überblick zu geben. Viele Grüße.

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